The History and Tradition of Prelit Christmas Trees: From Candles to LEDs

The Sparkling Beginnings of Christmas Trees: A Journey from Candles to Lights

The holiday season is upon us, and so is the tradition of decorating Christmas trees. For centuries, families have gathered to decorate and light up the centerpiece of their holiday festivities. However, the way we light up our Christmas trees has changed over time.

In the early 16th century, German Christians began bringing trees into their homes and decorating them with candles. This marked the beginning of the tradition of lighting up Christmas trees. At the time, candles were the only option, and they were considered a luxury item. Families would save up all year just to have enough candles to light up their Christmas tree.

As time went on, candles became cheaper and more accessible, and the tradition of lighting up Christmas trees became more widespread. However, the use of candles also came with the risk of starting a fire. Many families experienced devastating house fires during the holidays, all because of a single candle left burning too close to the tree.

The Charm and Convenience of Prelit Trees: A Tradition that Evolved with Time

In 1882, a man by the name of Edward Johnson, an associate of Thomas Edison, came up with the idea of using electric lights on Christmas trees. The first strand of electric lights featured 80 bulbs and was displayed in Johnson’s house in New York City. By the early 1900s, electric Christmas lights were becoming popular, but they were still expensive and not very reliable.

Fast-forward to the 1960s, and prelit Christmas trees made their debut. These trees featured built-in strands of lights, making it easier and more convenient to decorate a tree. However, the lights were still relatively expensive, and the technology was not very advanced. It was not until the early 2000s that prelit trees became more affordable and accessible to the average consumer.

One of the biggest advancements in prelit Christmas trees has been the development of LED lights. LED lights use less energy, last longer, and are cooler to the touch than traditional incandescent lights. This makes them safer to use and helps to lower electricity bills. LED lights are also available in a wide range of colors and can be programmed to change colors, creating exciting light displays for the holiday season.

Today, prelit Christmas trees are available in many different styles and sizes, from traditional green trees to colorful artificial trees adorned with ornaments. Some prelit trees also come with special features such as snow, pinecones, and berries. The options are endless, and there is a prelit tree to suit every taste and budget.

In conclusion, the tradition of lighting up Christmas trees has come a long way since the days of candles. From electric lights to the innovation of prelit Christmas trees, we have come a long way. The development of LED lights has made it safer, more energy-efficient, and more convenient to decorate a Christmas tree, all while still capturing the magic and spirit of the holiday season. So, this year, as you gather around your pre lit Christmas tree with family and friends, take a moment to appreciate the rich history and tradition behind this holiday tradition.